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August 22, 2007


tammy vitale

omg don't you just LOVE bead stores! I have the best here in So Md owned by friend Tricia (did you see my necklace on 8/22 post?)....it used to be material...now it's beads. I have to stay away from bead shops. They are dangerous!

Art Tea Life

Hey I have been here ! last year I was there....The Funniest Thing!

I was reading your Blogland Ball post and then saw the river and hills post for Sept 21 and I thought...she must be in California....sure looks close to the terrain I live in ! So I fished to another post of yours and see REDLANDS and I am thinking...oh that is where that little beadshop I went to is....(it has been on my mind lately because I got things there I have not found anywhere else....) And then LO ! I scroll down and get hit in the face with it !

Laughing ! Just had to tell You. We were there last year for a bike ride my boyfriend was on....I had the day to myself while he was on the ride and went exploring. I went up to an old house..some gardens and grounds you can tour...why can't I remember the name to share it with you ?...darn ! oh well, the older I get , the less I can recount ! BUT ! I had a nice day in your town ! That bead shop was a Great Hour and a Few BUCKS !!! laughing ! I wish I had known You were there - that would have been a nice day too to meet up !


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