In keeping with my semi-traditional Saturday Artist Date ideas, here are some AD ideas for this week (some from the Artist's Date Book - ADB, some I might revise or make up!).
(While you're reading, here's a photo from one of my past AD's, for your viewing pleasure - ha! Sorry about the photo quality - or lack thereof. And with my apologies to the good Doctor - may he RIP)
- Buy a pair of lucky socks (the ADB doesn't specify what they'd be lucky for & I'm not being held responsible if you don't win the lottery, bowl a 300 game or well, get lucky. They're just socks, already!)
- Drink a chocolate malted, says the ADB (or an Oreo shake, or whatever really rocks your boat)
- Dance solo to an oldies favorite from "your" era - the ADB suggests the Beatles - which even though they're kind of vaguely in my era & I loved listening to them, I never really thought they were that great as a dance band - heresy, I know. Listen to, yes...Dance to, no - not so much. Anyway, when I close the door, pull down the blinds, crank up the music & kick off my shoes - it will most likely be to dance to something (anything!) other than the Beatles - but that's just me! You, you do your own thing..whatever works, right?
- Get a massage (mmm - Hey, hon! I'll rub your back, if you'll rub mine!)
- Write a children's story (No more excuses, Tinker - Julia has spoken)
- Throw away your low self-worth clothing (or give it away if it's still usable...c'mon, Julia! Ever hear of landfills? Homeless people? Then again, most of my low self-worth clothing is in such a hole-y state, I don't know if anyone would want them...)
- Have someone to tea - (everybody else busy? when we were kids all we needed was a teddy bear to have tea with - I have a friend who jokes about having teaparties with her least I think she's joking! So have a teaparty all on your own, dust off the good china, make yourself a nice cuppa - or don't; maybe you don't like tea; have something you like, ok? Don't do things you don't like to do, this is your date - it's ok to just say no.)
- Dress up for no reason (I think I'd be inclined to create a reason, but then I'm more of a jeans person, unless I'm going out. Maybe I could put on my lucky socks?)
- Take a nap. (I know this was really from a couple of weeks ago, but I like this one - a lot!)
Whatever you decide to do, hope you have fun with it. I'm off to play around with my world, tinker around with it some more. Then again, maybe I'll just take a nap...I really liked it when I took me napping last time!
Woo-hoo, it's a three day weekend for me! Hope you have a good weekend!
great suggestions!! i hope your weekend is a wonderful one too!!
Posted by: kat | February 18, 2006 at 05:50 PM
I just found your blog through the comment you left on Marvelous Madness and I love the spirit of your writing - really fun! Am also a writer & artist (& new blogger), also experiencing the fun of building a creative community. I've bookmarked you and I'll be back. Hope you'll come see my site too!
Posted by: Laini Taylor | February 19, 2006 at 12:33 PM
Thank you for your post today! And I am glad to rediscover yours as well! Your artist date ideas were great. I am moving this weekend on a weekend that has been the coldest of the year and the heat doesn't go on until tomorrow so I could really use an artist date with myself soon! I am thinking of a long hot bath tonight with candles and good music! Thank you for the inspiring reminder!
Posted by: Alexandra | February 19, 2006 at 01:00 PM
Anytime drinking a chocolate malted is proscribed, I have to say yes. Wonderful post.
Posted by: violetismycolor | February 19, 2006 at 09:33 PM
I did the "throw out your low self-worth clothing" one, and mine are all sitting in a bag on the closet floor. But the question now is... would anyone else on earth even WANT to wear these? LOL
Posted by: Jana | February 20, 2006 at 09:03 AM
Tinker, thanks so much for posting these - I couldn't remember who had the Artist Date book but I was hoping to find some ideas and here they are! My ideas tend to run in the same old circle - go to bookstores! - so this is definitely a piece of synchronicity!
Posted by: samantha | February 22, 2006 at 07:42 AM