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February 17, 2006



I love, love, love this! Your description of your collage is amazing...I love that line... "Hiding under the hard candy-coated shell I wear on the outside, that protects the layers of chocolate and the melty soft caramel at the heart"
I can feel you and really understand what you are saying. Beautifully done!


oo, what a beautiful image, being the nesting doll and holding all of those pieces of you inside. great collage and great post!


great metaphor! Really peeling back the layers here--nice!


Snap on the nesting doll!

And such a beautiful image you created too.


This is wonderful. I am really struck by the image of layers within coupled with the outer layers (mother, grandmother). Beautifully conceived.


you made me hungry with talk of chocolate and caramel and all...

krista- the silent k

You look like you have the answers to universe in this collage. IT's powerful imagery.

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