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March 05, 2006



I fancy the Dress like a rockstar, but in my Week 4 clearing frenzy, I threw out my leather trousers! - They were 2 sizes too small, so would have been perfect! Looks like it will have to be the chocolate shop instead!

Laini Taylor

Are you ordering me to go to a chocolate shop? Well.... okay... you know, ordinarily I wouldn't, but if you insist... ha ha. But really, thanks for the reminder to "art date". We have an exhibit that will be leaving our art museum soon that I need to make an effort to go to. That would be a good artist's date -- and my first one, actually, at least, the first one that I called that. Cheers!


You've just inspired me to go to a chocolate shop...you Enabler, you! And we have a great one here.


Don't shoot the messenger! Blame the Artist's Way/Artist's Date Book! Blame Julia "AW" Cameron! She has spoken & so we must all go eat chocolate or face the consequences! Mwa-ha-ha-haaa!! Oh, wait...it just said "Go to a chocolate shop" - so I guess the eating's optional. Eat chocolate at your own risk! (Darn! I liked it better when I was being commanded to eat the chocolate. It's not my fault, "Julia told me to do it!")


I love the idea of making my own puzzle! thanks!

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