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April 30, 2006



I loved visiting your home in this post. Beautifully portrayed. And a garden will get me every time!


Oh, my! This was wonderful. What a treat for the minds eye. No wonder you love it!

Thank you for the visit to my scibble, and for your post. It made me smile.



Also, loved the photos! Beautiful.



what a lovely description. i have often longed to put down roots like this. to be surrounded by things infused with meaning. but have never been anywhere long enough.

Paris Parfait

What a lovely description of your home, accompanied by great images! Thanks for sharing your story.


Your home sounds well just like HOME - I love how you portrayed it like a member of the family almost.


I love my house, too. I love making it 'mine', and I see that you have made yours a personal haven, too.


Lovely! I´d love to go for a drive and buy some fruit from the road side!


Not only am I excited to hear more, I can't wait to hear about the oasis when it comes back! 90210...now that brings back memories.


Quit callin' me old "friend"! I'm busy exploring your blog and find it very interesting and so-you. Hugs, B

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