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May 25, 2006



I had to tape the season finale of Lost for Adam, who flies home today. He is a huge fan. Bonnie and I are doing a Gilmore Girls marathon, though.


Your self-portait made me laugh - and I've not see Lost at all...

I'm like you in that I watch the odd thing but not like you in that I only remember to watch any of them if Jim is here and watching too...


I've been an addict from Day 1 of this show. I dont take calls, comments nothing when LOST is on.. It's my escape!!

:) Im glad im not the only person who is nuts about this show..lol.. :) Peace, Kai


I've never seen "Lost," but I know many are hooked. :) We didn't have cable in Portland and I didn't have it in San Francisco either...one of the secret (antenna) joys of living in cities. ;)


Tinker, I am the same way about Survivor when it is Survivor season. Do NOT call me on Thursdays between 8 and 9 p.m. Do NOT knock on my door. For that one hour in my life, I am entitled to be rude, and you have to handle your own emergencies. LOL Later.........

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