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June 21, 2006


Paris Parfait

Well that was unexpected! A totally different tangent that I would have imagined. Well done! You really have a flair for writing artfully.


You know, oddly enough it took me by surprise, too!
Thanks for the nice compliment : )


Marvellous ending. Yes. I had a sense that there was something meaningful in her name, but couldn't have seen how the story would go. Well done. Loved it.


Loved the story. You are great, it was great.




wow, what a good writer you are! loved the ending.


Oh my gosh! Now I remember. Ursa...Greek Mythology...a bear. And in the solar system too. Shoulda known. But all along I thought she was real and sleeping in a bear's bed, and when he awoke he was going to gobble her up. Love your stories! When I was very young I used to go to the library on Saturdays and listen to "Mrs. Brown" the storyteller. This is taking me back.........to fun times. :)

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