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June 01, 2006



This was a lovely read and had a comforting message.
Sending a cool breeze your way :)


I am so sorry you are hot! Today I asked my coworker, "Why do we live in such a hot place?" Then I remembered we don't have snow or ice and so maybe it is worth it, after all. Being hot is just so miserable!

But I love your lovely blue soothing colors - and I hope you find your island. Makes me think of the Tori Amos song - Cool on Your Island.


I'm a real fan of your lovely mermaid! I hope you cool off soon.

liz elayne

stafford's poems seem to crawl into my heart everytime i read them. thank you for posting this one so this could happen once again. the last line just gets me in the best of ways.
i hope you can spend some time on your island with a nice cool breeze.


Tink, your mermaid is lovely. She looks so cool and refreshed. And your hot picture was also wonderful, even tho what it depicted was not so wonderful! Great ways you have of expressing yourself and your moods.


I can't believe I missed this last week! Mermaids were happening all over the place - was it the week of the mermaid and no-one mentioned it to me?

This is a funny one:


(At least if you look whilst its still there - they do change the featured doll)

And I put one into my posting for MMM last week...

Was the message simply one of cooling off - or is it more about your suggestion of hope and moving on to the next island? I think you might have given me the answer - thank you!

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