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June 18, 2006


pam Aries

Ohhhh Man...a cliffhanger! When is the next chapter...when when? what a beautiful vivid story! you need to illustrate that and publish.!!!! how are things in sunny Cal this morning/ Love ya...Pam ARIES


I can't wait!

Paris Parfait

Wow! This is a fabulous story, with a rich tapestry of detail. Can't wait to read more! Just wonderful!


Drat! I wanted to finish the story. I'll bet it's Madame Sylvia's bed...lol. I'll be "tuning in tomorrow". :)


Bravo! Love it. There's surely no way you could get away with ending like that if you were really telling this bed-time story to little ones! You'll have to come up with the next chapter soon!

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