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July 03, 2006



Yo Girl! Didya make it to the family function on time? It was hotter than a firecracker on the 4th of July today! Whew! I have to work in the Market tomorrow, but later I am going to a neighborhood cookout! I always make this really cool (very easy) 4th of July Cake! Pam Aries


Happy Independence Day, Tinker!


Hope you have a great holiday, Terri! And indulge in some wonderful BBQ! I'm making a salad from the Martha Stewart Everyday Food magazine that's not fattening: it sounds weird but it's wonderful: watermelon & feta with fresh basil. Yum! (But we're also having an over-the-top banana-split bar!)


A GREAT IDEA! We should have a national declaration day of no dieting all around the country but the 4th is certainly a good place to start! Wishing you a wonderful day! I am spending most of the day reading a book I am so into-a YA novel called The Shadow Thieves. I'm completely hooked!


Happy 4th Tinker. I'm dieting too, tho I doubt it will do any good becuz I take thyroid meds. Never does. So far today I had watermelon for breakfast w/coffee and a piece of cheese. But then I got REALLY REALLY hungry and found an organic Healthy Choice spinach pizza in the freezer. So....well, I only had two SMALL pieces! First 4th EVER dh is not cooking out. Becuz, we have a GIANT, HUGE Camphor tree and needed to get it trimmed before a 'cane comes, and the tree guys came today. Bzzzzzz, Bzzzzzzzz, grind, saw. Wow, this tree can now BREATHE! Plus, it is thundering. Plus, I am glad there is not a lot of food around becuz I remember that "bottomless grocery bag" and I don't want to go there again! And I would! And...only family here is one daughter and she has found something much better to do than hang out with ol ma! She has gone with some friends motorcycle riding to some fireworks on the beach. Ah, youth! Happy Birthday America...


Ooops, me again! I wanted to ask the name of that diner. It looks like one I went to in my travels on Route 66; it was decorated like in the 50's...burgers and shakes and stuff, but I can't remember the name of it. Kewl place.


Pam - yes, I did - barely! Luckily, little great-nieces b-day parties aren't formal affairs, and I could schlep in, in my shorts and flip-flops. Laini - that salad sounds intriguing; but the banana-split bar? That's brilliant! I'll take one with extra chocolate syrup, please and cherries. No whipped cream though - I'd rather just have extra chocolate! Alexandra, I haven't heard of that book - but it's title certainly is intriguing! I like your idea of a national day where everyone gives up dieting - Thanksgiving's kind of like that, but maybe we should formalize it. Who could we get to endorse it though?
Judie - This photo is of a cafe on Harvard Ave, in Claremont, CA - I think it's just called the Claremont Cafe. There's another 50's style diner here in Redlands that's closer to Route 66, may be what you're remembering. Did it have jukeboxes on the tables? If so, then it's probably Betty's on State Street in Redlands (used to be called Becky's, up until the late 90's). The one daughter's leaving w/her bf about the same time the other daughter's arriving w/her dh and the gg's (I just made that up! or maybe it's already out there - stands for my grandgirls), to watch fireworks from the hill.
Sioux, and everyone, thanks for stopping by the virtual front porch (Go read Patry's http://simplywait.blogspot.com/ post on this - it's a great concept). Happy 4th of July!*!*@*@*!
(*!@*! = fireworks!)

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