The sea is a little calmer here today, though a lot more turbulent for others in the world. What the heck is going on with those officials - not sending out the warning?!? Those poor people! Makes me realize more than ever, how much I have to be grateful about here.
Sunday night brought an electrical storm (you know I don't remember us really having too many of those until recently - another global warming warning sign?) that kept me awake ALL NIGHT. Literally. It's one of the strange side effects of my eyesocket "blow-out" that the slightest changes in light bother me - even with my eyes closed (which makes my time on the computer interesting, too - I'm sorry, if you have flash animation or whatnot - chances are, I won't stick around on your page long enough to read/leave a comment! Occasionally, I'll force myself through one, but I end up paying for it with a migraine. So please - just say "no" to Flash! lol). I guess I need to find one of those movie star eye masks to sleep in for nights like that - I'll pretend I'm one of the Gabor sisters or something (then I can practice my bad Hungarian accent and call everybody "dahling!").
The clouds from the storm cooled us down somewhat, but raised the humidity to "extreme bad hair day." Here I go whining again! Well, let's switch to cheesy - at least that way you'll have a little cheese with your whine!
Actually, I started out wanting to Blog Gratitude (thank you Nicki, of Tickled Pink fame, for that term; and the sweet e-mail - {kiss noise!} Mwah!!!) So many people have been supportive of me, us, both in the blogosphere and here on the Other Side of the Looking Glass. Thank you fellow bloggers - what sweethearts you are! Your comments and support really do mean so much to my morale, especially during these dog days of summer. Local friends have been so supportive, too - you might have noticed the comment on the last post from my Brain-y friend Barb - she had made the offer for us to stay cool at her pad while she worked all weekend - unfortunately, while the jeep was experiencing it's leakage problems we couldn't take her up on it. But thank you for being there, Barb! You're the best Brain a body could have : )
But just before the lightning storm, our friend Sandy whisked us away to see the new Pirates movie (yo ho, yo ho, the pirates life for me - well, if it comes with Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom- heehee! oh! um, Captain, if you're reading this - you know I'd never really jump ship! Just stir up a little mutiny, every now and then! Not the best at swabbing the decks here, either...hmmm, I think I better stow this theme, before I end up walking the plank!) Thanks for the flick, Sandy!
Then right afterwards, our friends Dave and Jenny invited us over for dinner and to just chill with Samson and Maggie for awhile. (Don't tell Jen & Dave, but we really come over to see this cute couple of sea dogs - see the dogs? ok, I'll stop now.) Thanks for dinner, guys! The BBQ was delish!
Ooo! And thanks for the goodies! Jen shared some of her cool treasure trove with me, too - a couple of cardstock shrines and these really neat cigar bands I can't wait to play with them. Oh, and some formica tags, too. I think I have to go check out the samples at Home Depot...
Remember a couple of months ago, when I asked you to vote for my friend Jen's artwork to be on the cover of Somerset Studio ? Well, she made it! Yeah, Jen! Thanks for helping her get there! Her art is on the cover of their Summer Gallery mag and is also on one of the pages inside. Those are some of her ATC's lined up on the counter beside her (click on the thumbnail pic to see the big picture). She really is so multi-talented - not only does she do altered art, but she makes everything from teddy bears to quilts and cool art vests, too - I think one of her vests will be shown soon in Belle Armoire, too. I wish I'd gotten a photo of her cool Orange Tree door she painted in her kitchen- oh well, next time we go see Mag- uh, I mean Jen... She (Jen, not Maggie) belongs to a few Yahoo and other altered art groups on-line - now she needs to get a blog!! Get a blog, Jen! So we can all see more of Maggie and Samson, uh, I mean your artwork...
You know I'm kidding, right? Right Jen? Jenny? Are you out there? You think she'll forgive me? I hope so - I'd really miss Maggie... :)
I think i told you this before - you have the coolest layout for a blog that I have seen in a long time. I like how you can toggel in and out of the photos.
Posted by: AscenderRisesAbove | July 18, 2006 at 12:07 PM
Tinker, the cover of SS, the picture of the french stage...that's your friend Jen's work? Wow, kewl artist friends you have girl.
I am so glad to see you back. :)
Posted by: Judie | July 18, 2006 at 12:57 PM
Congrats to your friend for getting on the cover - that's AWESOME. And how did you like Pirates? Aside from Johnny and Orlando, of course! And: cute dogs!
Posted by: Laini | July 18, 2006 at 03:39 PM
Hi Terri!
It's OK I'm used to getting thrown over for my cute dogs! We had fun with you guys too! Next time we'll have to set the guys up with a DVD and you and I can do some art! Tell your friend Judie that it's not the new cover of SS ( that's my friend Theresa Martin). Mine is on the Somerset Gallery 5. Keep bloggin'
Love ya!
Posted by: Jenny | July 18, 2006 at 08:53 PM
Yes those are really cute dogs. Dahling, Who did you say they belong to??
Posted by: Gemma | July 19, 2006 at 07:00 AM
The mental picture of you as one of the Gabor sisters made me giggle "dahling"!! LOL
Posted by: Jana | July 19, 2006 at 07:46 AM
Congrats to your friend on making that cover. :)
Posted by: Marilyn | July 19, 2006 at 01:13 PM
What loves those dogs are! Cute, cute, cute...
and it IS appalling to watch the tsunami and the heat waves in the US and in Europe...the world is trying to bite us back, I think.
Posted by: violetismycolor | July 19, 2006 at 07:37 PM
Thanks for mentioning me in your blog....awwwwwww....anytime you want mi casa for the weekend just call and I'll put the key under the mat!
Love ya, Tinker.
Posted by: Brain(y) Barb | July 21, 2006 at 08:57 AM