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July 18, 2006



I think i told you this before - you have the coolest layout for a blog that I have seen in a long time. I like how you can toggel in and out of the photos.


Tinker, the cover of SS, the picture of the french stage...that's your friend Jen's work? Wow, kewl artist friends you have girl.

I am so glad to see you back. :)


Congrats to your friend for getting on the cover - that's AWESOME. And how did you like Pirates? Aside from Johnny and Orlando, of course! And: cute dogs!


Hi Terri!
It's OK I'm used to getting thrown over for my cute dogs! We had fun with you guys too! Next time we'll have to set the guys up with a DVD and you and I can do some art! Tell your friend Judie that it's not the new cover of SS ( that's my friend Theresa Martin). Mine is on the Somerset Gallery 5. Keep bloggin'
Love ya!


Yes those are really cute dogs. Dahling, Who did you say they belong to??


The mental picture of you as one of the Gabor sisters made me giggle "dahling"!! LOL


Congrats to your friend on making that cover. :)


What loves those dogs are! Cute, cute, cute...

and it IS appalling to watch the tsunami and the heat waves in the US and in Europe...the world is trying to bite us back, I think.

Brain(y) Barb

Thanks for mentioning me in your blog....awwwwwww....anytime you want mi casa for the weekend just call and I'll put the key under the mat!
Love ya, Tinker.

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