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November 18, 2006



I love the way this has developed - I've had a couple of goes and couldn't keep fish out of mine - I see one crept into yours too! I've not posted yet - blogger threw away my last attempt and I'm waiting until I feel up to another go!

Happy birthday to your daughter tomorrow! Have fun!


Now THAT'S some doodling! I only doodle when I'm on the phone...and only occasionally...usually at work. But mine are so boring. I hang up and realize that I've been doodling the same thing over and over. :)


I LOVE,LOVE,LOVE your doodles! I hope the celebrating was fun!


This is awesome, tinker! And what's more, it's something I CAN DO! Thanks so much for the introduction.


this is so cool! i love it! that spiritual doodles link was very cool too. i'll have to try that out sometime. :-)


Your doodle is cool girl. Glad you enjoyed the link.


LOVE this!! I adore anything with music..it's beautiful!!
Peace, Kai

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