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January 29, 2007



Cool idea and great wriring, Terri! I want to know who she is! Do you know? Or is it unfolding for you too? That's an interesting thought about your own face looking familiar but not your own. Can you imagine? I read an article in Wired recently about "face blindness" -- a neurological disorder in which people have no "face recognition ability" which leads neurologists to believe there is a totally different mechanism in the brain for perceiving faces than there is for ALL OTHER THINGS. How crazy is that? And how crazy to come upon a new frontier in science, or the researchers. It was a fascinating article. Sorry to ramble off subject here. Your drawing and aged page are so cool -- love the idea. Have fun working on the rest of your chronicle!


I'm fascinated with your drawing and how you aged it. The story draws you in so keep going. I sooo get that metaphor. LOL


Tinker, you MUST publish this!!!!!! This is so good!!!! I LOVE it!!!! When do we get chapter two?? *waiting expectantly*

OH! I tagged you on my blog!


Extremely cool. I love stories like this: where a character finds almost insurmountable everyday problems that the rest of us hardly even notice. (cf. Memento) It helps us to remember how little we know about what's going on in our own heads.

Eagerly awaiting chapter 2!


Love how you drew what she saw over what she wrote. Tinker you have such fantastic ideas and put them out here for us.
Love it!


wow - that was a treat to read !!

Paris Parfait

This is a wonderfully-written story, Terri! Very imaginative, propelling the reader forward, wanting to know more. The art accompanying it is also beautiful! I'd say you've come up with a perfect chronicle! xo


Full of suspense this poignant scribble. It would be horrible to awaken with all those questions. I’m sure it happens to stroke victims, and Alzheimer’s patients. Beautiful piece of art, must have taken ages… really enjoyable compilation! Wish I could have chronicled something that profound!! I found the prompt difficult, so I winged it!


This is good! Glad I got here..


You have two great talents - drawing & writing. I enjoyed your post - hope to read more.
Take care,


What an interesting story! I'm hooked! Are you going to continue this or leave us dangling?? You are very talented both in writing and drawing and I like how you incorporated the two together.


The page with her drawing over it is quite wonderful....and the STORY, well this story is compelling and it draws you in immediately. I want to know what happens, I want to know if she begins to recall anything. I want to know if her story will begin to unfold. You are such a good writer Terri. My only concern about this story is that this is all we get...tell me that isn't so!

Pam Aries

Wow.. that was kinda wierd..I was getting lost in the story ...and thinking to myself I had forgotten where the line of reality /fiction was! Doh.. there for a minute I thought you were talking about YOU! Does that make sense? I had to shake it off!


I too had trouble with this prompt. You however have triumphed and put an amzing story together. Imagination and drawing ability! I enjoyed this beginning, and hope sometime you'll let us know if they found her.


Very well done!


Tinker, this is an amazing story. I want to hear more. I love the drawing. I love that the page she is holding has the drawing. Love the aging, too. It really does look like it's been around a while. You are so talented.

GeL(Emerald Eyes)

Enchanting and engrossing story, uniquely expressed verbally and visually! I loved this and having found you via Sunday Scribblings!
I'm also an artist, found the prompt at 3 a.m. and also used the metaphor "plunged in" but not nearly as creatively as you. I was too tired and wimped out as you'll see by my contribution.You're so inspiring.Again, fantastic post!

Alison Whittington

Woooooow. I want more.

gerry rosser

I thought everybody woke up feeling like that every day (a little). I don't even have the excuse that somebody delivered tolchoks to my gulliver.

Nice bit of writing, that. (I mean you, not the short paragraph I just wrote, but, then, you parbly knew that, at least . . . )

I hope it's not too apparent that I'm a loose ends today, bothering people on their blogs on account of I have no one else to harass.


Oh one of my great fears is completely losing my memory! And I've already done the Soul Collage card for it too!

Scary stuff

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