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February 17, 2007



How annoying to have no w's. Hope you managed to get it fixed! And great portraits!


VVovv that's all I've got to say really.

Love your pictures as vvell as your clever vvay around the lack of w's... oops there vvent my empathy...


LOL VVe love you anyvvay! Nice job on Frida Tink! HUGS


Oh I love the accent I think even when you get the w fixed you should keep typing like this.


VVovv! You are so vvonderfully funny, clever and vvildly talented! I hope you get your vv's fixed soon!

Daisy Lupin

Yes, one of mine I was trying like Frida to give a suggestion of a sparse mustache, but it just looked as though something chocolatey was spread about the mouth!!! I never got mine scanned before I sent them due to the computer crash. Glad to see I wasn't the last to post though lol!


luckily \/\/e are all glitter literate and can read your \/\/ords \/\/ith no prob!!!
hope your compie heals soon
Peace, Kai.


VVell, that vvas very clever of you. I love the accent...rather Greta Garbo-ish. That could be another swap! Everyone as Garbo! "I vant to be alone"...and all that!


I was laughing so much I don't have a clue what I just read !!!!


You Vill be back? Geesh, you sound like Arnie! I Vill be glad when you get those dub-ya's fixed becuz I keep trying to pronounce them when I read....my lips are all twisted up now. Oh, I hope they don't stay that way permanently. I have a missing key too. Mz. Wee likes to pluck them off when she can sneak up on my computer chair. She is VERY precise! Usually I can snap them back on but one she destroyed. Fortunately, it's an ALT key and there are two of them, so I just use the other. Vhy did your key break? Ver you pounding them too hard? Now...see what you have done to my poor lips?

Pam Aries

Vhat? Still no VV? ..THE Frida's are all so great! They are funny! Seeing everyone with a unibrow!!! I hope ya'll enjoyed this adventure! ha! Vishing you vell!

Pam Aries

Vhat? Still no VV? ..THE Frida's are all so great! They are funny! Seeing everyone with a unibrow!!! I hope ya'll enjoyed this adventure! ha! Vishing you vell!

Paris Parfait

You're hilarious, all this talk about the missing letters. But your art is wonderful (although I've never seen a blonde with a unibrow). :)


I could do without a
Dub-ya in the Whitehouse!
LOVE your art Tink.

GeL(Emerald Eyes)

vvonderful artvvork! So enjoyed seeing your latest. s=Smiled at your honest humor.
Hope your keyboard is fixed soon. My laptop has a similar affliction with the "v" and "g" keys. Replaced the v, but that key replacement is too tight. May you have much better luck!

Alison VVhittington

VVeee heeee heee! Hilarious.

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