First, I should tell you I lost my ess (yes, that's an 'E') last night. As you can see, I got that back on the keyboard, but then realized I also lost my double-U (hereafter, referred to as 'dub-ya' - uh, no relation to the other "Dub-ya" vith a capital 'D'), vvhich vvon't go back on. Did you see hovv I got around the lost dub-ya, though? Put 2 V's together and voila! I have a dub-ya...sort of. Except for vhen I forget to put 2 of them, then I just sound like I'm typing vith a Transylvanian accent. I vas so proud of myself for figuring that out - VVoo-hoo! I'm a vvoman of letters!! I felt like Vanna VVhite in a nevv vvhite dress, flipping over the letters on Vheel of Fortune. ;-)
This dub-ya should still be under vvarranty though, so I'm hoping they can surgically re-attach it - because it's beyond my Vanna VVhite superpovvers. I knovv I could just hit the little vvhite plastic skeleton bones underneath, but despite my Transylvanian-typing-accent, I'm actually quite squeamish about it - "Ooh - yuck! Skeleton key!" and I can't seem to remember to hit the V tvvice everytime...This is all by vay of saying, I may not be around for a day or 2 (I don't knovv vvhy I can type all these other v's for dub-ya's in other vvords, but I can hardly bring myself to type the vvord "tvvo" ~shudder~ ok, I managed just then - but sometimes I'm a puzzle even to myself).
VVhich brings me back to the other point of my post - me, myself and Frida (novv that I think about it, I guess I never did really stop talking about me - Me - ME!! VVhy, oh vvhy, is it alvays about ME?) Sorry, I'm just giving myself a good talking to - novv, vvhere vvas I? ...Oh, I finally got my Frida art mailed off for the svvap PamAries' is hosting - vvhevv! So they're finally on their vvay, Pam! One ATC and one 4x4 Frida-style self-portrait. Here they are, back and front. Can't vvait to see everyone else's!
(You can click on the thumbnails here to see them bigger, if you feel so inclined)
Fronts. Note the uni-brovv - vve vvere contractually obligated to include that as part of the svvap, lol. In the spirit of Frida's rigorous self-honesty, I tried to include my vvitchy mole, too, but it just ended up looking smeary - so in case you're vvondering, I don't have a runny nose or smeared lipstick, that's just supposed to be a mole on my upper lip, lol. I did hovvever, put on mascara and eyeliner for the self-portrait - a vvoman's allovved some vanity, right? Anyvvay, I hope they're okay...I get all angst-y about svvaps...
OK - enough about me, my self-portrait, and I - I'm off to get my poor laptop a letter tune-up. I hope they don't have to keep it overnight - I might go into vithdravals - I mean vvithdravvals.
But I vvill survive...and I VILL be back!!!
How annoying to have no w's. Hope you managed to get it fixed! And great portraits!
Posted by: Kamsin | February 17, 2007 at 03:06 PM
VVovv that's all I've got to say really.
Love your pictures as vvell as your clever vvay around the lack of w's... oops there vvent my empathy...
Posted by: Caroline | February 17, 2007 at 03:16 PM
LOL VVe love you anyvvay! Nice job on Frida Tink! HUGS
Posted by: Tammy | February 17, 2007 at 03:23 PM
Oh I love the accent I think even when you get the w fixed you should keep typing like this.
Posted by: Ninnie | February 17, 2007 at 04:34 PM
VVovv! You are so vvonderfully funny, clever and vvildly talented! I hope you get your vv's fixed soon!
Posted by: khambagirl | February 17, 2007 at 05:29 PM
Yes, one of mine I was trying like Frida to give a suggestion of a sparse mustache, but it just looked as though something chocolatey was spread about the mouth!!! I never got mine scanned before I sent them due to the computer crash. Glad to see I wasn't the last to post though lol!
Posted by: Daisy Lupin | February 17, 2007 at 05:47 PM
luckily \/\/e are all glitter literate and can read your \/\/ords \/\/ith no prob!!!
hope your compie heals soon
Peace, Kai.
Posted by: kai | February 17, 2007 at 06:18 PM
VVell, that vvas very clever of you. I love the accent...rather Greta Garbo-ish. That could be another swap! Everyone as Garbo! "I vant to be alone"...and all that!
Posted by: janet | February 17, 2007 at 07:13 PM
I was laughing so much I don't have a clue what I just read !!!!
Posted by: miss*R | February 18, 2007 at 03:18 AM
You Vill be back? Geesh, you sound like Arnie! I Vill be glad when you get those dub-ya's fixed becuz I keep trying to pronounce them when I lips are all twisted up now. Oh, I hope they don't stay that way permanently. I have a missing key too. Mz. Wee likes to pluck them off when she can sneak up on my computer chair. She is VERY precise! Usually I can snap them back on but one she destroyed. Fortunately, it's an ALT key and there are two of them, so I just use the other. Vhy did your key break? Ver you pounding them too hard? Now...see what you have done to my poor lips?
Posted by: judie | February 18, 2007 at 03:46 AM
Vhat? Still no VV? ..THE Frida's are all so great! They are funny! Seeing everyone with a unibrow!!! I hope ya'll enjoyed this adventure! ha! Vishing you vell!
Posted by: Pam Aries | February 18, 2007 at 05:02 AM
Vhat? Still no VV? ..THE Frida's are all so great! They are funny! Seeing everyone with a unibrow!!! I hope ya'll enjoyed this adventure! ha! Vishing you vell!
Posted by: Pam Aries | February 18, 2007 at 05:03 AM
You're hilarious, all this talk about the missing letters. But your art is wonderful (although I've never seen a blonde with a unibrow). :)
Posted by: Paris Parfait | February 18, 2007 at 05:50 AM
I could do without a
Dub-ya in the Whitehouse!
LOVE your art Tink.
Posted by: Gemma | February 18, 2007 at 06:49 AM
vvonderful artvvork! So enjoyed seeing your latest. s=Smiled at your honest humor.
Hope your keyboard is fixed soon. My laptop has a similar affliction with the "v" and "g" keys. Replaced the v, but that key replacement is too tight. May you have much better luck!
Posted by: GeL(Emerald Eyes) | February 18, 2007 at 01:13 PM
VVeee heeee heee! Hilarious.
Posted by: Alison VVhittington | February 21, 2007 at 12:18 PM