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February 20, 2007


tammy vitale

oh no - these are the best! When I was going to Goddard for my master's work (1995 - 7) - there was communal dreaming on campus and the sighting of some kind of (but not) mountain lion animal in the woods (you should read some of my poetry from then) and all the women came on their period together. It is that kind of place. And that was just my first on-campus trip!
but meaning - well, have you ever done a dream expansion - where you write the question with your dominant hand and answer with your other one? You can query the things your dream is peopled with - it will take you amazing places. Once a dream of a shoe took me to Italy and Greece in expansion and then later I learned that Italy hasn't been around that long and many greeks settled in southern Italy before it was Italy.


i did an elephant picture from my old journal, it's posted April 17 th 2006 in my blog.. I do love them so..thankyou for this post, it's special to me..
Peace n hugs xx00xx < Kai.


elephants seem to be everywhere this month!!!

that is such a wild dream experience with your neighbor! wow! love that!

i've had dreams of things that really happened (things that were secrets and I dreamt them only to find out later my dream was true.) and i've dreamt the sex of the babies of my mother for each of the three kids after me and of one of my friends recently. but i've never had a simultaneous dream like that. that's so cool!


Generally the only animals I dream about are spiders (bad) and cats (good).


That is TOO WIERD that your neighbor finished your dream for you!!!!

I RARELY dreamed until being put on medication this year, which changed how I slept. So maybe I'll be able to tell you more in a year or so. lol


When I've been to shamanic workshops people have often had shared journeys... they mentioned seeing things that other people were doing in their journey... and sometimes the animals have got confused too... I'll email you about that - too long for here...

You almost definitely have the potential to be a dream shaman given this dream. And I'd say the reason its wanted to be related is so that you might explore this side of weirdness with others on similiar paths (me!)



Great picture and how lucky you are to have such good friends. I don't dream too much due to good drugs ;) HUGS

Paris Parfait

How much fun to have good friends around to share the highs and lows of life! I have very weird dreams, which don't seem to have a defined theme. Probably because I don't get enough sleep! I've noticed sometimes your comments to me are written at 4 or 5 a.m. your time, so you must not get much sleep either!xo

Paris Parfait

How much fun to have good friends around to share the highs and lows of life! I have very weird dreams, which don't seem to have a defined theme. Probably because I don't get enough sleep! I've noticed sometimes your comments to me are written at 4 or 5 a.m. your time, so you must not get much sleep either!

Daisy Lupin

How strange I had a really weird dream about bears about two nights ago. They were supposed to be real bears that you would meet in a wood and yes they did approach on their hind legs, but the legs were jointed at the top onto their body, like giant teddy bears. They were quite fierce looking and I was standing at a door handing them out tubs of butter and butter like spread which seemed to please them and sent them on their way, but one said to me 'it's not as good as honey is it?' and I apologised. Next a group of hippos lumbered along and I remember running back into the house and slamming the door. Thats when I woke...... Weird scenes inside the goldmine of my dreams.


I seldom remember my dreams anymore....and I think that's sad. I wish I did. I've never shared a dream with anyone but I don't think it's impossible.


is the elephant your totem animal? I have weird dreams, really weird.

Alison Whittington

How amazing.

I haven't any interpretation to offer, but I do love elephants and goldfish, both. I once had a goldfish who had a mohawk. I named him Spike.


I love synchronicity like that! Wonder what fish and elephants mean in dream imagery... As for your long-time friends...those kinds of friendships are to be cherished...so rare, such a treat.

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