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February 09, 2007


GeL(Emerald Eyes)

I want to recommend her book to my real life book group. Thanks for not giving away any parts yet. I don't own her book yet.
Keep enjoying and I understand about slower reading. That change frustrates me. Wonderful to see you peaking out from behind her book.

tammy vitale

Oh very cool: a great book! That's always a gift to find. Thanks! (and thanks for not giving anything away)


I haven't read this one but now I want to! You caught my attention with it. I read much slower than I used to and it frustrates the heck out of me. I like the photo of you peeking out from behind the book. Now I'm off to Amazon!


I love this picture of you, Tinker.


hee, hee - I am the same - once I get my head in a book, I don't surface often.
I just finished the Secret Life of Bees. I hadn't heard of it before and Daisy told me about it. what a great book!!!!!

Paris Parfait

Lucky you! I'm so jealous. Have been waiting two weeks for Amazon.co.uk to deliver my copy - seems they ran out or something, even though I pre-ordered ages ago. So that's a good sign for Patry - and your enthusiasm for the book is a definite plus for Patry! Can't wait to read it. Thanks for the teaser - now get back to the book! :) xo


Oh lucky you - having a real page turner!

I'm amazed at your blogging dedication that got you here long enough to tell us you were so engrossed!


O Tinker....would love for you to print a list of some of your favorites. Half a Yellow Sun is on my list and now Liars Diary.
For the love of God would you put that book down???


Ohh I love laser beams out of the eyes. Does your family see them, some of mine do some don't. Enjoy the book. Love, Hugs, and Blessings


I just got it today...


Terri!!! My first thrill of the day came when I walked into Border's and saw my very own book right in the front of the store just like it had a right to be. But the thrill of clicking on your page and seeing it in YOUR HANDS was even greater. I LOVE your comments. In fact, I wish I could take you around and ask you to repeat them at readings! Seriously, thank you much.


My problem is that I'm always reading like 10 books at a time.


Wow, this really must be a GREAT book. My favorite kind of book is one that captures my entire being. I've been known to stop and say to G "what? did you say something?" which turned about to be about a half hour after he said it.lol! That's the sign of a good book, that and still reading until the wee hours and with blurry eyes. I will have to put this on my list. Thanks for the heads up...um, Terri, Terri? Are you hearing me? heehee


we could pass for twins in that pose..lol..
my head is always in a book..
Peace, Kai.


I still don't have my copy! Need to walk down to Borders to see if they finally have it on the shelves...can't wait to read it!

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