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February 12, 2007



Oh this is too darling, thank you for the giggles.


I'm pretty sure that's Robyn's Tigerbeat zine with Johnny Depp...can't believe she left there.

Kate Robertson

Oh this was too funny. I loved the pictures and all the comments. We'll have to have another one soon.



Oh boo I missed your party!

But then I was all too busy rearranging the entire house as we've got some builders in (today) and they needed both our bedroom and our dining room to be EMPTY! Argh... so no time for parties for me... glad you lot had so much fun!

Pam Aries

I was there in Spirit! I am that Nacho! he heee!

Paris Parfait

You are hilarious! And I didn't get my photo sent in time, because my computer fan is experiencing problems and keeps shutting down. I think I've solved the problem now, so the next time you decide to have a pyjama party, tell me a day ahead okay (to allow for time zone difference)? You're so much fun! xo


My head still hurts from sleeping in those darn rollers....and I have a tummy ache from all the snacks but it sure was fun! I'll bring my camera next time, too.

Someone put purple glitter polish on my toe nails!!


I'm bummed I missed the fun but glad you guys had a blast ;) XXOO


That was a fun party...I love how Judie captured the crowd!
I hope you won't mind the long distance bill...I sort of, uh, tried to call Daisy in the UK.
I hope we can do it again sometime...I think i heard someone does a mean rendition of "look at me I'm Sandra Dee". lol!

tammy vitale

Surely a par-TAY to go in the annuls of par-TAYs!

tammy vitale

Surely a par-TAY to go in the annuls of par-TAYs!

tammy vitale

Surely a par-TAY to go in the annuls of par-TAYs!


Oh, I need a pajama party so badly!


Ang - You're welcome - Glad you stopped by!
Gemma - Hmm, if Robyn doesn't come back to claim it, can I do "finders-keepers?" - lol. Oh and here - don't forget your nail polish!
Kate - I'm so glad you had fun with this, too! Wish we could do this for real.
Caroline - I missed you! Glad you came by to help me clean up afterwards :-)
Pam - Well, being a nacho on the ceiling beats being a fly on the wall, lol. Glad you were here in spirit!
Tara - sorry I didn't give you much warning - it was rather spur-of-the-moment. One of these days, I'll actually try to plan one ahead of time. Thanks for playing along!
Janet - I should have loaned you my pink spongey rollers - they're much easier on the head than those plastic ones, lol. As for the purple glitter nail polish - well, I think I know who brought it to the party...
Tammy - I was SO wishing you were here! You would have had a blast. Next time you've gotta come!
Lisa - I gotta hear you do that song! Ooo - we should have done karaoke! Well, next time...
Tammy V. - I'm so glad you enjoyed the Par-TAY!
Patry - You can always throw a virtual one on your blog - it's the next best thing! (or do the "slumber party book tour, instead of the "tupperware" one, lol.
Thanks everyone for stopping back by to help me clean up :) - who's sock is this anyways? Don't forget to take your stuff with you! :)


thats just hilarious!!
your rock, Kai. :)

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