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February 14, 2007


Paris Parfait

Oh, Terri you are so wise and wonderful and caring! Your art heart is beautiful, reflecting the beauty in your own heart. Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours! xo

gerry rosser

Happy Valentine's Day to you!
Thanks for the art.

tammy vitale

I love this gypsy heart! Happy Valentine's Day to you too!


Oh I love the gypsy heart! We must do a gypsy themed swap!! Sending love to you dear Terri not just today - Happy Valentine's Day - but every day!


Tinker, you are sweeter than a thousand Valentine's day sweets, and more soulful than...

Than a big bag full of souls. Or something.



Oh love what you had to say. And the art is magnificent.


Beautiful heartfelt post, wonderful art! Thanks for all the love! Joy to you today and everyday that follows. Love definitely abounds with the bloggers!

Happy Valentines days to a sweetie!

Love Sherrie....sorry I missed the pj party, it's been crazy around here!! haha!

Alison Whittington

Oh, Tinker, I just got the package you sent and I am so, so excited and so delighted and so awed. Thank you, thank you, thank you! And a happy Valentine's Day to you, too.


I love this!

There is power in wishes.
have you seen Jamie's new site?

I think you will like it!

Happy Heart Day!



Thank you Tink! Back at you all year long ;) XXOO


the heart is gorgeous ! love you lots miss tinker xoxo

Daisy Lupin

What a lovely posting and the beautiful heart shaped gypsy picture with all those beautiful colours in it. I love it all.


Your card is wonderful.I can feel the happiness. Happy belated Valentine's Day to you .


Hi Terri! It looks like you and I were on the same wish-wavelength on Valentine's! I'm so glad you found wishcasting. Thank you for supporting people's wishes. I see that's a part of who you are :)

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