First and foremost, TGIF. It's finally Friday - and officially fall - AND World Peace Day (thank you for the reminder, Mrs. Nesbitt). Peace to everybody, everywhere.
You may be relieved to know, since I already fooled around with the letter 'F'' a few months ago, even though I'm filing this under 'alphabet soup,' I promise I won't submit you all to a full post of them. Those
"D's" about did me in, last time - and maybe more than a few of you, too. So we can all breathe a sigh of relief - I'm done with that, I've had my fill of alliteration (well, mostly) - for now, anyway. I can't make any promises about it though, because sometimes, I just get these wildhair ideas, and they won't let me rest till I get them out of my system.
Sort of like my fall fashion line-up. I think I've gotten them out of my system for now, but I thought I'd share these three with you, before they get tossed in the file drawer of forgotten projects.
The weather has cooled down and we've even had a little drizzle, here and there. It's been wonderful - I was so excited the other night, when I actually had to put on - a SWEATER! Really - after all the ridiculous heat we've had this summer, I was thrilled to feel chilly enough to put a sweater on. Which got me started thinking about fall fashions.
Even though my style, isn't all that stylish - I'm more of a 'jeans for everyday' style, I've always loved fall fashion magazines. Especially as a teenager and young adult, I would look forward to those fall fashion spreads. I loved all of the rich chocolate tweeds, houndstooth, even plaids. The sweaters, coats and jackets. The shoes, shiny, matte or suede - clogs, moccasins, boots! Loved the boots - I wanted every pair I saw, even if I knew I'd look ridiculous in them with my short legs. In my dreams at least, I could sort of pull the look off - I'd tell myself it was just a matter of finding the right length skirt.
So I had fall fashions on my mind. Then, I went for a hike up in the foothills, and fell in love again with nature, and also, just sort of fell. Not that I ever really fall out of love with nature, just sometimes I forget to pay attention the way I should. Which, now that I think about it, is also how I came to fall.
There's a lovely little area with a creek that I've always loved hiking around, though I hadn't been up there for quite awhile. But the air was crisp and cool, and I had a hankering to visit it, so I drove up there late the other afternoon.
Shortly after I started down the hillside where I parked the car, I got angrily distracted when I saw that someone had sprayed graffiti on the rocks across the riverbed (is there no where that is sacred to those people? anywhere too far for them to go? how about Antartica? I wouldn't be surprised, there's all that pristine blank white snow for them to defile...grrr...). Anyway, while I was looking in horror at that scene, I wasn't paying attention to where my feet were going -- the gravel and rocks slid under me, and down I went, sliding halfway down on my backside, till a rock kindly smacked my arm and stopped me from falling the rest of the way. I sat there stunned, for awhile, till my arm stopped throbbing. Finally, I decided it was only a bruise - mostly to my ego - though my backside and my arm weren't being all that agreeable about that assessment. I was thankful though, that it was my left arm, and that it wasn't broken. Also, that my camera was still intact in my pocket. Finally, I got back up and carefully, made it the rest of the way down - where I discovered I was really thankful that the rock had kindly stopped my slide, since the bottom was covered with broken glass bottles - presumably by the same ones who defiled the rocks with spraypaint. You know, there's a whole 'nother rant I have in me - about how I used to think of taggers and spraypainter's of graffiti as frustrated artists, but after some local shootings - murders even - because of their gang activities - shooting a grandmother who didn't want her trashcan tagged? That's not the work of artists - let's just say the scales have fallen from my naive eyes. SIgh. But I'm digressing farther than ever though, so back to whatever point I was trying to work towards...which is some small piece of peace, I think...
I picked my way across the riverbed - though it's only a small creek right now, due to the drought, it has swelled much larger in years past. I went to sit by the water, to give and receive some healing. I took a few pictures, though I purposely avoided taking any photos of the tagging. I came more or less to peace with the situation, while sitting there though, as it dawned on me that Nature was much bigger than them - the taggers and litterers; than me and my anger; than all of our pettiness combined. That time and the elements would correct it all, and it will still be standing there, changing and unchanging, as it sees fit, long after those who defiled it, and those who both celebrate and mourn it, have passed out of memory.
I wish I could have taken photos on the way down of one last healing sight that I saw, but because of traffic on the way back, I couldn't pull of the road just then to take a photo - it was sort of the antithesis of the graffiti. Someone had stacked rocks into little dolmen, these sort of standing stones, between the wash and the road - that had the feel of altars, small monuments. They seemed like a much more fitting way for people to change the environment, interacting with nature on her own terms. Not taking away from her, but sort of working with her, collaborating to create something new.
This all seems to have taken me a long way from fall fashions, hasn't it? I'm trying to follow my train of thought, to where I came to start thinking about how Mother Nature dresses up for fall, and I've been falling down hills and driving all over the place to get there. I don't know why I can't just say, "Here are these things I drew while nursing my sore arm and backside and thinking about nature," but that's just the convoluted path my mind seems to like to take.
So, without further ado and falderol, here are these things I drew while nursing my sore arm and backside, while thinking about fall fashions and Mother Nature.
First up, in sportswear separates, is misty mountain morning wear. Though the pine needle swing coat and the pinecone petticoat might be a bit prickly. I think she must be wearing something soft and silky underneath. At least she has her dandelion muffler to protect her neck and face. That must have been a bear to knit.
Squirrel and deer, sold separately.
You can click on any of these little pics to enbiggen them, if so inclined.
Next, for tea dances (I've always wanted to attend a tea dance, but apparently chose the wrong country and century to be born in) - Autumn Dance, complete with a gold leaf tiara.
Migratory bird not included, as it's, um, migrating. Apparently, shoes aren't included either, since I forgot to include them in the drawing. Perhaps she danced till her feet were hot, and she slipped off her ballerina slippers. Yes, that's it. They're just out of sight, slightly off to the side of the picture. They're a lovely red satin.
Sometimes I really like living in my imagination a little too much...
Here, for everyday wear, we have a back-to-school ensemble. Slighly casual, yet versatile enough for the schoolroom or, when accessorized with the coordinating leaf chapeau - an autumn picnic. She'll be the apple of his eye, in this outfit.
Ladybug-friendly - however, beware of ants when worn outdoors.
There you have it - my fall fashion line-up, inspired by Mother Nature. Happy Fall and peace to you all.
And Happy Birthday, Janet!
Oh, Tinker, this brought some light to my day, just when I needed brightening up a bit. Thank you.
Posted by: Imelda / Greenishlady | September 21, 2007 at 06:49 AM
Happy World Peace Day Tink! I'm glad nothing broke...HUGS. I just bought a swing jacket but I really liked yours. :) Your fall line is enchanting Tink.
Posted by: Tammy | September 21, 2007 at 09:11 AM
What delight these Fall Fashions! I love that gold leaf tiara! All could be worn, you know, for the Bloglandia Ball! And your own fall, and witnessing of the transformation of graffiti into respectful art making with nature is a tribute to World Peace Day... Thank you Tinker!
Posted by: Lea | September 21, 2007 at 12:40 PM
Imelda, hearing from you always brightens my day.
*added: just came back from your blog - sending you extra wishes for peace my friend, and so very many ((hugs)).
Tammy, thank you. I'm betting you look gorgeous in your swing coat. Hearing from you makes my day happier and more peaceful.
Lea, thank you for your kind comment, and for helping me make some sense out of this post. I think you might have found my point for me - collaborating with Mother Nature, rather than just on/at her, as a more peaceful process is what has been circling through my brain. Thanks for bringing me some clarity.
Posted by: tinker | September 21, 2007 at 01:13 PM
Oh, Terri, your fall fashions are magnificent! They should be on the cover of Vogue and Bazaar and Elle. And what a sad and touching story about your nature walk - awful about the graffiti and broken glass; wonderful about the stacks of stones like little altars. The yin and yang of life these days. What a fabulous post! And yes, wishing for peace for all - xoxox
Posted by: Paris Parfait | September 21, 2007 at 02:45 PM
Oh, and happy, happy birthday to Janet!
Posted by: Paris Parfait | September 21, 2007 at 02:46 PM
Your fall fashion show is delightful! I would have trouble choosing and would have to get them all.
I hope your arm is doing ok. You and I must be caught in some cosmic swirl of some kind!!
Posted by: Janet | September 21, 2007 at 03:10 PM
Those are so cute! When I was drawing faeries (I haven't drawn in so long!) I loved incorporating nature into their outfits. These are adorable!
Posted by: Laini | September 21, 2007 at 10:05 PM
Thank you, Tara - I like the thought of it being the yin and yang, it makes it all seem more balanced.
Janet, thanks and Happy Birthday again! Hope the cosmis swirl settled down for the rest of your birthday so you could enjoy it!
Thank you, Laini - I love your fairies - both the ones in your Laini's Ladies images and the written ones in Faeries of Dreamdark
Posted by: tinker | September 21, 2007 at 10:25 PM
So enjoyed my visit and a taste of fall!
Happy Fall, Happy Peaceful world peace day...did not know that, we need healing and a day to think on that is so appropriate.
thank you too for your visit...
Posted by: Stephanie | September 22, 2007 at 06:26 AM
I, too, love to go through all the new Fall issues of fashion magazines...and yes I get the I want to wear that syndrome (but can't). THEN I cut them all up for collages later..heehee! I love your Nature fashions here and your narrative about each one perfect for the runway!
I AM sorry you took that tumble and ever so glad your injuries weren't worse. I imagine you are a bit more sore today. I want to cry when I see that defiling of nature...I won't even get started on THAT rant!
I will simply wish you a wonderful day....send you love and hugs and hopes you're ok. I am trying to catch up with all your wonderful writing!
Posted by: Lisa M.S. Oceandreamer | September 22, 2007 at 09:54 AM
Tinker, me again, to thank you for your words of comfort. They really do mean so much to me. Blessings to you.Imelda
Posted by: Imelda / Greenishlady | September 22, 2007 at 12:22 PM
Tink, I love your fall fashions...especially the pine cone one!
I know what you mean about makes me so mad to see it. We have one big, big rock between here and Weatherford, Texas, and it is always's the graffiti rock, and no ones does any others around, so that is good!
Posted by: Sioux | September 22, 2007 at 01:37 PM
wow, you have a lot of coloured
I love the little girl in the autumn leaves Tink, she's adorable..
Isnt mother nature groovie? PEace, Kai xx
Posted by: kai | September 22, 2007 at 07:16 PM
geez , Tinker - you are so, so talented! those drawings are delightful!! you need to write a book about them. xo
I hate taggers and I won't say another thing because I always worry about the law of 3 and what you send out comes back...
had to laugh when I pictured you getting up with a bruised ego - did you look around to see if anyone saw you? cause that is what I would do.
Posted by: miss*R | September 22, 2007 at 09:09 PM
What a lovely tale (but not the sore part of your tail!)for how these whimsical drawings evolved! Are those prismacolor pencils? Pueblo? Derwent?
Although not ever able to afford the latest fashions, I also adore looking at those catalogues I think moreso as an adult than as a teen. I even imagine how a room full of real people would act, weearing that attire, like imagine scenarios depending how glamorous, ridiculous, or uncomfortable the fashion is!
Stones also attract me and grrrrr about graffitti. Love that you found stones arranged by someone who also appreciates nature.
You sound great. Happy Fall!
Posted by: GeL | September 23, 2007 at 02:54 AM
Hi Tinkerbelle!!! Tee hee..I adore the fall lineup! You are so talented! THe scenery looks gorgeous! I don't know why people have to muck it up with stupid graffiti. I'd like to spray paint THEM with graffiti!!!
Posted by: Pam Aries | September 23, 2007 at 08:34 AM
Ohhhh wonderful post! I just love the art! That is just so kewl! I like the lady with leaves for a skirt the most but they are ALL wonderful! Thanks for sharing them with us! *HUGS*
Posted by: Angela | September 23, 2007 at 11:10 AM
What a complete fun post! I love fall and these little creatures make me smile.
Posted by: Ang | September 23, 2007 at 02:27 PM
Lovely, lovely lovely!!!
Happy Fall to you to!
Posted by: Melba | September 23, 2007 at 05:58 PM
Oh!! more more more! Lovely! Charming! Romantic wonders. How delightful!
Posted by: tongue in cheek | September 24, 2007 at 05:23 AM
Stephanie, I think we need all the peace we can get, too. Thank you for visiting!
Lisa, cutting up the fashions for collage sounds like fun. I'm feeling better now thanks - though the ego's still healing :)
Sioux, sad though it is for that one rock, I'm glad they aren't spreading it around on to others. Sigh. It's good to hear from you again.
Kai - I DO have a lot of colored pencils - what's worse, is there are even more that aren't in the picture. I agree with you - Mother Nature is the grooviest :)
Robyn - thank you! and thanks for the reminder about the rule of 3. I'm trying to stay positive...
GeL - there are both Derwent and Staedtler Karat Aquarelle pencils in the picture, but I also have some Prismacolors that aren't in the picture. Good to hear from you!
Pam - thank you, and you're flattering me with the Tinkerbelle's name - wish I had her figure and flying powers - I'm just a tinker, tinkering around with stuff...
Angela - thank you! I think she might be my favorite of the 3, too.
Ang - thank you! and I'm glad I made you smile - it's good to hear from you.
Melba - thank you - happy fall to you, too!
Corey - I'll probably end up doodling a few more before the season's over - I still don't have a dress for the bloglandia ball, though. Must get busy. Thank you for your kind words.
xox to you all.
Posted by: tinker | September 24, 2007 at 10:09 AM
These gowns were all delightfully designed! I love them !
The others should have seen them at The Ball !!!
Posted by: Art Tea Life | September 28, 2007 at 03:16 PM