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November 18, 2007




Tickled Pink

Beautiful illustration and story. And congrats on being ahead of schedule on your writing project! Wahoo!


Bland soup, by choice or necessity. I like it.


I am so glad you let us peek into your purse... so to speak and share in this picture and "tail"!!! Have fun with those girls and have a lovely Thanksgiving holiday and I'm grateful for you too Tinker...


You rock that writing!
Hope you have a wonderful week as well!


Lovely illustration Tinker and sweet soup tale! Happy Birthday to your dear one, and Happy Thanksgiving to you as well! Beautiful writing, and congratulations on taking a large chunk out of Nanowrimo! Sounds like you have things under control! Good luck with the rest!

Hugs Sherrie


happy birthday to your brook!

i am thankful too for having met you tinker, i enjoy very much coming here.
have a wonderful week!
p.s. that is a lovely, imaginative illustration. love it too!


Such a cute illustration. You carry alot of surprizes and goodies. Happy Birthday to your sweet cookie...and happy Thanksgiving!

tammy vitale

I love the little mouse scooping her acorn cup for her babies. That is so Thanksgiving and warm and sweet and all those things that make us love a short tale. Thanks for sharing - even in the midst of all that other storm of words (hooray for you, by the way! no small accomplishment!). Happy Thanksgiving to you!


The illustration and the accompanying story are so beautiful. Perfect for this time of year!
Go enjoy your grandchildren.


I do love the way you can spin a tale, Tinker. I admire it. I tagged you. Take your time. :) Love you. Happy Thanksgiving!

tongue in cheek

Bravo for writing everyday! What a feat, so many words!
Ditto to Lisa as well!


can I come and sit and have my cake from an autumn leaf and my soup from an acorn cup, with the little squirrels?
this is delightful, Tinker... missing you while you write millions of words.. well done YOU!! see you when you surface, I know where you are xoxo

Paris Parfait

Hi Terri, Just back from Amboise and wishing a belated Happy Birthday to Brook! And your illustration and story are so sweet. You would love the exhibition I saw this afternoon (and photographed, despite being told not to - will post them soon). Hope you and yours have the happiest of Thanksgivings! xoxox


You are one of my favorite talismans!

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