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January 26, 2008



Wonderful snow photos - and I agree about it being sad that people can't just play in it for free any more - these days everything seems to have its price...

But you are going to be making your own sourdough starter - that's wonderful! And nearly free!

Good luck (I wrote good lick at first and now I realise that might be almost relevant :-)


happy birthday
a few days late!

50 is not so bad,
except that
~*soon you will be middle-aged*~


your winter wonders photos are great
i really, really love
THAT pink chair up there...

and, here are somepinkflowers for you
[late] for your special day!

Pam Aries

Hooty hoo! Look at all your cool Birthday goodies! So..knitting and making bread...You are a pioneer! Say..I think you can find free patterns online.


Looks like we're gonna need to change that name from of yours. What with all that birthday treasure and goodness! Maaybe it's time we address you as Queen Tinker Bella!

Pretty show shots and nice "loot"!


LOL petri dish! I had a fruit starter once, kept it going for a long time with friends. It was kind of like a fruit compost....um...lol I know that isn't the right word, but you kept adding fruit and something else, sugar maybe? and it grew and bubbled and boiled in its little glass bowl and you put it on ice cream or cakes and it was soooooo good and I think it might have got you a little drunk too. LOL I've never done a sourdough tho. My sister makes that kind of bread. I'll leave it to her. That mountain park looks wonderful! xoxoxo


What wonderful goodies you got. Happy Birthday. I have got to do better in keeping up. Oh, btw, this is Lisa. Remember me?? Yes, I finally found the password again. LOL

I love your scarf. I can't make hide nor hare (what does that mean?) out of crochet patterns either. Growing a hat...I love it!

Enjoy your sourdough. Don't get drunk. hehe

Paris Parfait

The scarf is gorgeous and good for you for baking bread! Lovely treats in the mail. Glad you had a happy birthday celebration - and more to come. My package is very very late! xoxox

tammy vitale

Just look at all your goodies! what a wonderful way to start your 50s. I had my first ever bottle of Dom Perignon. At breakfast. Out. Pretty cool. Since I'm about to leave them very shortly, I can say with authority that the 50s are very intersting - enjoy the journey!


hope you enjoyed those chocolates! Cherry Ripes are one of my favourites!
ps- faery land closes in two days and then I am re-opening the Wisdom of the Goddess blog! revamped for the 50s set ;)


I'd wish you happy birthday, but my time machine broke!

Hee... Lowly's grown a moustache...


Love the photos, and your scarf looks so warm. Now I want to see the hat when you finish it! And sourdough starter....I've thought about doing that, too. You'll have to give me pointers on how you did it. I want to be like Martha/pioneer woman and feel domestic, too!


Hey there Miss Tinker,
Just Dopping by to say howdy. Can't wait to see what your cooking up next. Thank you for stopping by. Your presence brightens my day!



Ah, Tinker it is always such a delight to come visit you. I just end up feeling inspired and happy. Have a great day!

Paris Parfait

What a wonderful new banner! xoxox


I FOUND YOU! Woohoo! Your blog fanished and your comment left no trail back to you!


I was afraid you had thrown in the towel...whew!


PS I added you back on bloglines.


Where are you??? Too much Dom P. for your birthday? LOL Love your new butterfly header, with all the things it is made up of. Clever! xoxoxoxo


Hey Tink,
Stopping by to pay my respects and thank you for coming to the Parties!!
You're the best!



glad to finally be back-
best wishes, happy birthday to you tinker!
love the scarf!


hello there, missy tinker!
get up out of my favorite pink chair
come find out
about the Bloglandia Polar Festival!


yes, eb is up to it again!
get ready to party on...

Imelda / GreenishLady

Hi, Terri, Hope all is well with you. I'm glad you came by to enter my giveaway.

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