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February 29, 2008



I feel a little silly leaping in and out of my monitor like this, but I guess if everyone else can do it so can I. I do remember Sadie Hawkins day/dances but I never went to one and I don't even know who Sadie Hawkins is/was?? Is that her in your sweet drawing?
Wait....I think I'm stuck trying to leap out of here.......will you please come down off that ceiling fan and give me a little a little push.

Pam Aries

Lawdy..I love your lilting language,lady! Looks like you leapt right into a list laden with L's and lucky me latched right on to it all! La la! (Hey..I can't help it, you MAKE me this way! )


I felt the leap year thing was pretty special too and did some fun...take the leap...kind of journal pages.

Hope you lept in a good direction :)


Was that a word??? lept??


What a lovely figure you've drawn here!

She's leapt out of the monitor at me in her saffron gladrags.


Leaping in late as always! I remember Sadie Hawkins dances at school. And I agree that for something that happens only once every four years we should do something special. So I'm leaping!! Oops, forgot to put on my bra and now I have black eyes! Thanks, Tinker!!


I leaped in late like Janet...fortunately I'm wearing my bra today LOL!


Dear Tinker Bella,
Yes to Leaping into something new, or that I feel fear of! Thanks for this great drawing to remind me. I've got it in my head. Today I'm going to do something I must be brave to do. I will take this image with me in my head. Thank you very much!

ps I have heard of Sadie Hawkin's. Wonder what happened to the poor dear? Haven't heard about her in years!


happy leap year ... i leaped right into the weekend and only just now emerged :)


here it is my leaping silly and joyful comment, LOL
blessings and light all year to you!


When we made the transition to the Gregorian calendar, we had to leap over ten days at once.

I'm not sure I'd have had the energy...

Lisa Oceandreamer

Thought I'd leap on over and see what's up! I don't remember us having Sadie Hawkins Dances (although I know what they are). Funny, I new it was leap year yet I seemed to just leap on over the day without mentioning it. It must be my mind that seems to leap from one thing to the other these days.....perhaps that's a residual affect of leaping? the mind follows?
OK, that's enough saying the word leap....I'll end with a different one.


I remember Sadie Hawkins. We had a Sadie Hawkins Dance when I went to high school in Idaho (as opposed to my high school in Oregon, or the one in California). I asked a boy to it and it was a great dance but the boy turned out to be a jerk. THAT'S what I remember.

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