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May 16, 2008



Sounds like you had a wonderful time. And with icing on it too!

Hope your hill appreciates all this attention, plants and sheer expense too.


The lemon cake sounds yummy. Lemon is so refreshing. You had a really great Mother's Day! Have you got all those plants in the ground yet? We're expecting 102ยบ this weekend!!

Imelda / GreenishLady

I've got a hilly garden, too, but have never really set about planting up the slope with anything more than the odd shrub. I have visions of terracing it (very grand term for what I have in mind). Sometime. Sometime. Glad you had such a pleasant Mothers' day


WOW! I'm green with envy Tink. I got two obligatory quickie phone calls...argh!

Lucky mama!

Alison Whittington

"if summer lemonade married a spring cupcake, I'm pretty sure their sweettart off-spring would taste just like this cake..."

It made perfect sense to me, and oh, wow, my mouth is watering, Tinker!

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