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July 22, 2008



We have so many family birthdays in summertime. It is wonderful to have a good bakery nearby!
Loved Western Spaghetti.


I'm so glad I live very far from a bakery. I would be HUGE. lol

That video was very cool!

Stay cool girls. ;) XXOO


Yum, this bakery looks like such a great place to find something yummy. I love the colors.


my birthday is smack bang in the middle of summer here and I hate it. stay cool Tink! xoox


Thank goodness most of our family birthdays are in the fall when it's cooler. Love that video!! Spaghetti never looked so good!

We've been a little cooler than usual but I think that's changing today. We're expecting 102ยบ so I'll be inside in the a/c!

Lisa "oceandreamer" S.

I think going to a fabulous bakery just to "look" is like visiting an edible art gallery. I love watching ACe of Cakes for that reason.
oh yes, summer is WAY too hot to be baking...see that's where a good bakery really comes in handy! (and for photo ops too)
Stay cool!!

pam aries

Hee hee..I think that was all a Fruedian slip..YOU NEED CAKE! ha! I love cake..but hardly ever eat any. Gee, maybe this is a sign for me to EAT CAKE! Love ya


love, love, love cake!!!!
funny but with age i am not enjoying ice cream as much but cake still is my weakness, umh???!!!

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