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January 14, 2009



well, I always knew your middle name must be Delightful!!

hope you are feeling better dear Tink xo

pam aries

Ohhh Tink..i love this post..you know i do. It is lovely and playfully worded. May deLight shine on and on like de Sun ,and de Moon and de stars......


DeLight in DeDark - oh yes!

Your tinkerings are always delightful it is a wonderful word to play with for a year!

Paris Parfait

Delightful post, dear Terri! So clever. Hope you're feeling much better by now.


awesome photos! DeLight - love the play with the capitals in that...it really opens the word up, visually and meaning wise. I like the one word thing too - where did that get started? I first saw it on Christine Kane's blog. Where did you get the idea?


Yay! You've found de light of day Tinker.
So darn cute!!!!


A fine word, though I'm usually being sarcastic when I use it myself...


"""sometimes I forget to remember"""


i am DeLighted here
to see you have not forgotten Beauty
at it is wearing some pink...

{{ say,
next year, Dear Tink,
remind me to pick a word, too. seriously }}


Hi Tink,
Love your word of the year! De Light ~ May you find yourself more and more delighted with in each moment of your life!!

I will carry your word with me and think of you!



oh, such a good word and I have no doubt you will find deLight in many ways this year!


I love the word delight and what a good idea. I look forward to other delights.


Hello, Tinker :)

Delight is one of my absolutely favorite words. May your year overflow with it!


i love your word! makes me think, i should pick one!
BIGLOVE to you and a very happy 2009 dear Tinker.

THANK YOU for all your kind words and encouragement in the past year
i enjoy coming here and reading your thoughts and it is truly my pleasure to have met you

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