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February 28, 2009



That's really cute. Here, you might pull up to a pirate ship on wheels. It's Gasparilla time! What would we do without all this fun stuff? xoxoxoxoxo


Fabulous photos - I wouldn't have been able to resist taking them either!

And Alfalfa is a synch... in the park today we saw two dogs we've met before and we remembered that one was called Rocket but we couldn't remember the other's name - I thought Asparagus and Jim thought maybe Pepper - it turned out to be Alfalfa!

pam aries

WOW! That is so crazy..I would have done the same thing..haha. THat;s quite unusual! Nothing going on here..I think everyone is waiting for Spring to get here. It is really chilly, but daffodils are blooming all over.


I love it when you "carry on"....and the photo is great. I probably would have stopped to take it too.

Have a fun weekend....

Beryl Singleton Bissell

Perhaps that carriage was on its way to the Disney Parade. Certainly worth a photo and a few oohs and aahs. Can't imagine anyone not gawking at such a neighbor.


Funny, I call my Bonnie 'bonbon' too...


Judie - I bet a 'pirate ship on wheels' is a sight to behold! Gasparilla - lol

What a fun synchronicity, Caro. With a name like 'Alfalfa,' I'm picturing a 'Benji' sort of dog - with a cowslick hair-do similar to the Alfalfa of 'Our Gang.'

Pam, it sounds lovely where you are - a little chilly, but with daffodils blooming...it's warming up a little too fast here, suddenly, this weekend. It's almost 80 degrees here - before noon. I got a sunburn yesterday - on the last day of February!

Glad I'm not the only one who'd have snapped a pic, Janet. Hope you're having a fun weekend too - and staying cool!

Beryl, to be fair, I think everyone else has become accustomed to seeing the carriage rolling around Market Night, giving pleasure rides. I'm glad I snapped the pic when I did though - it wasn't at Market Night, this week. I hope they'll decide to come back again...

Diane, we've been calling the youngest that, since she wasn't much bigger than the size of a bonbon - I think my mom and her 'big sister' were the first to dub her that...


I'm trying to remember the last time I saw a horse and coming up blank.



Ahh, how could you NOT smap a pic of that?! LOL



Looks like you are having FUN TINKER!!!
Happy Early Spring to you!


tammy vitale

you had a camera with you. I'm awed. Me? I would have been kicking myself for not having a camera, but there you were going about your business AND YOU HAD YOUR CAMERA WITH YOU. I think I should hate you now.

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