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February 14, 2009


tammy vitale

Oh Happy Love days to you too! What a lovely garland! and idea! And of course there are fresh water mermaids - you see them every bit as often as you see the deep sea ones. Just ask anyone. So - did you cut your bangs? I keep thinking the same thing....then I go hide all the scissors until I get distracted (that takes about 2 minutes into hiding the scissors - I'm bound to come across something I just remembered I needed to do 3 weeks ago). xo


Freshwater Mermaids!! :)

<3 !!

PEace, Kai


I love this love garland Tinker! Happy Valentines Day to you! And you bet there are fresh water mermaids!!!!


Here Here! spread the LOVE...all year round!!

Happy Valentine's Day Tink



bangs...i have a love-hate relationships with them...it has been such a long time connecting again...happy valentines day my friend...hugs, rebecca


Oh what lovely mermaids you were - are!

And what a beautiful garland to make - its all the more special for being made on Valentine's Day.

When you say cutting your hair into bangs do you mean cutting a fringe across your forehead?


Yes! The thought actually crossed my mind after posting this, that 'bangs' were called something like 'fringe' in other countries. 'Fringe' is a much more appropriate term for the look - I don't know how we came up with the term 'bangs!' And no, I haven't cut them yet - I'm trying to hold out a bit longer, to see if the urge will pass, lol. I like Tammy's idea of hiding the scissors - since like Rebecca, I too , have a love/hate relationship with bangs/fringe/whatever you want to call them!
It's good to hear from you all - thank you for confirming that there are Freshwater Mermaids!

Kate Robertson

how deligtful, I love the Love garland idea. Its so fresh, full of life and personal. Thanks for sharing it.

From a Mountain river freshwater mermaid. aka Kate


Did you cut bangs yet?? I used to do that same thing and then regret it. Love your love garland....and since love never goes out of style or out of season, leave that garland up year round!


Great. Now I have to go hug my cat.

Alison Whittington

Happy Valentine's Day, Tinker, as well, and at least I'm only two days late on this one...

... I have the gypsy heart you sent me from your giveaway - was it two years ago? - overlooking my drawing table, and it brings me joy all year long!


Guess I'm an irrigation ditch mermaid...
Your Love garland is so pretty.Sorry I've not been around spreading the love much lately.Hope you know that you are LOVED!

patry francis

This is beautiful, but do you want to know the truth? I ALWAYS find a love garland when I come here. Now don't cut those bangs!


I really like your love garland -- very pretty! :)

Oh...almost forgot - I've challenged you on my blog! (Don't worry, it's a good challenge! LOL)




I love the idea of a hearts garland. I would hang one in my front window, along with my 'President Obama' sign.


Hey Tink,
I love your LOVE garland. Yes ~ to hanging it all year!!
The part about you imagining you and your mom being mermaids touches me to tears. A PERFECT photo to be incorporated into garland!!

Karen F.

I love the love garland! And yes love needs to be spread more than a few times a year! Thanks so much for the b-day wishes. Hope you have a great day! Blessings, Karen


Hi Tink, I hope you had a long Valentine's celebration. I have the heart you painted hanging in my den and it always makes me smile! HUGS

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