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March 23, 2009



Dear Tink,
You are on a roll. I appreciate your art work SO MUCH.
Nice new dream works, especially your drawings. Adore! That last one, it touches me. Keep up the good work. I want to buy a children's book illustrated by YOU!


Your dream art is totally surreal and awesome!


Your art is devine Tink and your flowers are beautifully wild. lol

Paris Parfait

Your art is fabulous! Thanks for sharing more of it with us. As for dreams, sometimes they can be very strange - and later I realise, they were just weird thoughts I had during the day, jumbled up in bizarre ways. xoxox


I thought I'd commented on this already... looks like it vanished!

I love the idea of you in your pjs being more worried about your homework - but of course if you were dreaming its entirely natural to be in your pjs! So what's to worry about?


I always LOVE your artwork! You have such a dreamlike quality to everything you draw and I like that. You can tell a story with your drawings and paintings.

As for dreams, I'm one of those people who usually can't remember my dreams. Once in awhile I'll remember a snippet of something but usually not. It's very disappointing!!


O my goodness, I just love your dream art!!

I definitely have those recurring school/homework dreams. The thing about your fashion sense cracked me up. I think I would have been much more worried about the homework too. :-)

But, wait, endangered chocolate?? I'm totally going to have nightmares about that.

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