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April 30, 2009



Oh Honey you are Beeing truly funny
So sweet too...

(I beelieve the Victorians all looked serious because their cameras had little pixies in them and they played tricks if they thought the viewer was laughing at them... )

Kate Robertson

I have done trips to get beeswax too. I love the hand journal page. Such fun.



What a treat! I BEELieve in working together...like those busy worker bees. I am enjoying watching our wild bee hive come alive when the weather warms.

AND, my favorite quote here by Leonard :)


That sounds fun! I love honey. Yums. I also like this art-work, here...The elements.


pam aries

What a great field trip...sweeettt!!!! ha It had to BEE fun just buzzing around the store. Okay..enough. Thanks for stopping by to see me! Peace and love!

pam aries

I love that Leonard Cohen quote I have it written where I cansee it all the time. ...and your hands painting!

Lisa Swifka

Hi remember me?
There is something so sublime about many hands working together. To chat while creating anything...bee it candles, quilts, art projects, even cooking....makes it joyful experience indeed. I can see why you'd want to venture for the real deal.
I think of you lots and hope to get back to regular blog visits now.
Love and hugs,

Imelda / GreenishLady

What a sweet post! And I too am really taken with that hand-art in your journal. Beautiful!


how fun tinker! fun field trip and fun, delightful insight...and i love the quotes.


I like this "just bee-cause"....and your hand journal page is great!

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