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September 22, 2009



Totally understand what you mean by stepping through a portal into a new season. The light is different and there is a subtle feeling in the air.
Happy Autumn!

pam aries

I can certainly relate! You put it so well,though. AS you said ..I ca nfeel some unseen thing that tells me it is fall even tho it is 100 degrees


I wouldn't mind some Californian weather here.

Actually, what am I saying? I'm English - I mind whatever the weather is.


in places like that, where the changes are so subtle that if you blink then you miss them.. I think that people are more intune with the changes because they have to concentrate to see change... well done for finding little changes!


Dear Tink,
You have a good attitude. MANY people wish they could trade where they live and come join you!

For awhile we lived in southern ca. It freaked me out that it was so pristine blue around Christmas time. ;-) Seeing Santa fly through the eighty five degree sky was a little much.

So you know, it's still hotsy~totsy here too, but it WILL get cold in NOV.

Hugs from Tx,


It's feeling a lot like fall here...cool, colors just beginning to dress the trees in oranges and reds and rusts.

sometimes I complain...I know, but I do appreciate the change in season.


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