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November 24, 2010



Yippee!!! Sorry I'm late getting over here. Maybe it was all that tryptophan I ate over Thanksgiving! It made me sleepy and lazy and I haven't done much.

Congrats on the five year blogiversary!

Tammy Vitale

Well I was all set to respond personally to your email on my blog, and then I hit delete (something was messed up on my tool bar in hotmail - it wasn't just you, so not personal) and off your email went. So I'll come visit you here and say thanks for stopping by!

Belated congrats on your blogaversary. You know, I don't know how long I've been at it - I should check my files and see.

Thank you for taking the time to always make the universe a lovlier place full of imagination and wonder! hugs!

Tammy Vitale

OH!!!! and P.S. HOW did I miss you in Patti's book?!!! Tell me what page - oh, ok, I'll go look on my own...


Love the drawing Tinker. As always! Still love my elephants. Lucky me!

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