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July 11, 2012



What amazingly long tails!

I'm wondering if I've now heard your voice... how intriguing!


Caro, those tails must be at least twice as long as the bird itself. You've now heard my rather annoying 'trying to not alarm the birdies' voice, which I think (hope!) isn't quite the same as my everyday voice.


Cute, huh? I bet they use those long tailfeathers to attract a mate...wiggle it around and tickle their fancy. Hmmmmmmm???.... :)


Beautiful birds but even more beautiful is Grandmerry and the time she takes to share moments like this with her grandchildren. Love you Tinker!


Tink, where are you?


I am alive - and sort of here, lol. Unintentional AWOL. Thank you for checking in on me. So sorry Judie (and any/everyone else), to have abandoned post. Will be back soon, though. (By tomorrow... Keep fingers crossed! x x Missing you and this wacky WWW world!)

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