Signs of springs:
...feeling a little twitterpated and day-dreamy (well, even more than usual...)
...I can't decide whether I need to wear a sweater or not...Mostly I don't need one, unless of course, I don't take one with me, in which case the breeze comes up and I realize I should have...
....The mockingbirds are singing arias, serenading the neighborhood
...while the robins are splashing in the birdbath
...the first little daffodils are poking their cheery heads up (those bags of little bulbs were my best dollar store find from last fall)
...the apple tree is full of blossoms and -
...fairies, swinging in the breeze, what was that, again?, you ask...
about yay to flit about the flowers...
(...did she just say 'fairies?'...)
...Um, yes. Fairies. Up in the apple tree...
On their little leaf swings, swaying in the breeze...
(...That's what I thought she said...)
((...Yep, she's twitter-pated, alright...))
*Finally sharing the little bits of art I told you I was waiting to show you, till they got to their destination...but while they were here, I had to have a little photo fun before I sent them flying off for a 'fairy swap' with some online friends. They looked so happy in the tree, I'm pondering a way to make some more 'weather proof' ones (as though I don't have spring cleaning or a dozen other things I probably should be doing...). Ah well, spring daydreaming...
Happy first day of Spring~
{{ welllll ...
why am i NOT surprised
one wee bit
in your yard !! }}
Posted by: somepinkflowers | March 24, 2013 at 09:17 AM
Where have I been?! I missed this post until today. And I love your fairies. They seem to be having a lot of fun playing in the trees.
Posted by: Janet | March 26, 2013 at 11:16 AM
Of course you have fairies in your trees. It's just so you.
Posted by: Pamela | March 30, 2013 at 01:07 PM
Oh!! what fabulous guests visit YOUR garden, Thin! You must be a VIFP
A Fairy Swap? Some people have all the fun!! Methinks you need to make a few extra next times the mini's visit!!
Hey, have those little Sprites seen Romeo roaming around? I'm still wondering~~~
Hugs and Happy Spring. (it's dark and raining here presently, which is all right by me).
Posted by: rochambeau | April 10, 2013 at 01:24 PM
Meant TINK, Tink.
Posted by: rochambeau | April 10, 2013 at 01:24 PM